Saturday, 10 January 2015

The Witches Sabbath

This is a new group of collages called the Witches Sabbath. Inspired by “The Sorceress” an ancient Greek poem by Theocritus, which recounts the story of Simaethea, a woman who turns to witchcraft after being spurned by her lover, and the Greek Magical Papyri, ancient Greek manuscripts containing magic spells and rituals. These texts came to me by way of a beautiful book by 
Octavio Paz on Love and Eroticism:

“Eros is a divinity that merges darkness with light, matter with spirit, sex with idea, the here with the there.”

-Octavio Paz

Hekate, collage on paper, 20 X 20 cm.

The Witches Sabbath, collage on paper, 20 X 20 cm.

The Witches Sabbath II, collage on paper, 20 X 20 cm.

Simaetha, collage on paper, 20 X 20 cm.